Proudly Serving: Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, and Surrounding Area Since 2005

We Provide Affordable and Reliable Kitchener Property Maintenance

We are proud to provide affordable, reliable and top-quality grounds maintenance to Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, and surrounding areas

Full Yard and Garden Maintenance Packages

Maple Leaf provides season long lawn, garden & yard maintenance starting with cutting on demand to full service packages.

A typical seasonal package includes:
Weekly cutting, Trimming, Edging, Spring core aeration, Garden planting, Periodic weeding of flowerbeds, Spring and Fall weed control, Spring and Fall cleanup, Fertilizing- April, June, August October, free annual inspections.

Prices will depend on lot size, please fill out the quote request form for your free estimate. Weed, crabgrass and insect control applications are available, please contact us for details.

Core Aerating

Core Aeration is the process of taking small plugs from the lawn, which is the best way of easing compaction and sub-surface thatch, allowing air, water and fertilizer penetration to the root zone. This is particularly effective at the beginning and end of the growing season.

Aeration can also help the lawn through drought stress conditions; enabling water retention in the crucial root zone.

Why does a lawn need aerating?
Over time most soils will become compacted, squashing the particles together and reducing the grasses ability to grow well. This compaction will itself cause a number of problems, it will increase the likelihood of the lawn becoming flooded or water logged. Compacted soils are much more likely to become ridden with various weeds such as dandelions, crabgrass or other. The roots are unable to access the nutrients they require so the grass tends to be thin weak and pale in compacted soils.

How often does my lawn need aerating?
A lawn cannot be over aerated as long as it is not damaged, the more often the better. As a rule we tend to suggest that it is carried out every year Since all soil types and lawn conditions vary from each property, Maple Leaf will discuss your lawn needs on an individual basis in order to unleash your yard’s full growing potential!

Town Home Communities

Maple Leaf offers full grounds maintenance services for town home associations and community developers and realtors.

front of residential home with beautiful lawn and trees

Seasonal Yard Work

When it comes to your lawn and garden, we know you may not have the time to do it yourself. Whether it is Spring Cleanup or Fall Leaves and Eaves, we can take care of it all for you. Your hedges can be groomed as you please, as well as designing and planting new flower beds, shrubs, trees, weeding of flowerbeds and power edging around walks, gardens, or driveways.

Most of these services are included in our seasonal maintenance packages, please fill out the contact form for a free quote.

Commercial Cutting

We are committed to beautifully groomed lawns. We offer weekly or bi-weekly grass cutting for residential and commercial clients.

If you are a large property, commercial property owner, or landlord please contact us for a quote today, and find out how we can help your bottom line.

No property is too big or too small!


This will thin out and remove the thatch invasion that has built up. This is particularly effective following our Spring or Autumn treatments. De-thatching is a process perhaps best described as a mechanical raking of the lawn; its primary purpose is to remove thatch from the lawn although it has associated benefits as well. The machine used has a series of sharp tungsten blades that rotate at high speed and cut into the turf in a vertical manor. The depth can be adjusted to remove as much or as little as required. There are several methods to remove thatch from your lawn. Maple Leaf will always provide you with the method BEST suited for your lawn.

Why does my lawn need de-thatching?
A lawn that has developed a large amount of thatch needs to be treated to remove as much of this material as possible, allowing the grass space to grow. This process should be carried out at a time when the grass is growing actively to allow it to recover from this rigorous process, usually autumn through to spring time. It is advisable; although not essential to carry out before a fertilizer treatment as this will greatly speed the rate of recovery from the process. This process is commonly used in conjunction with over-seeding.

All lawns are different in their characteristics and it is therefore very difficult to predict how often to De-thatch a lawn. There are a number of factors that will affect the frequency required. If a lawn contains large amounts of thatch it may need a number of treatments to reduce the level to be manageable. Different grass types tend to produce more thatch than others along with mowing height and frequency and therefore need servicing more frequently. As a general rule we advise that a lawn should be de-thatched every year; ideally in the Spring or Fall. For specific advice, please discuss with Maple Leaf who will recommend the best option for your individual lawn needs.

Grass seed for overseeding held in hand over green lawn


Over seeding is one of the quickest and most effective ways to rejuvenate your lawn. Over seeding is the application of grass seed to your existing lawn which replenishes the old grass.

Over seeding will improve the quality of your lawn increasing shade and drought tolerance while also improving your lawns resistance to diseases.

One of the main reasons to over seed is to repair the damaged areas of lawn and to make it look thick and healthy; this will also encourage a harder wearing grass which will withstand added traffic. Another important point is that over seeding will encourage finer grass giving you a more luxurious bents and fescues lawn. Overseeding your lawn can help to fill in damaged or thin areas, reduce the invasion of weeds and also improve the colour and appearance of the lawn.

For the best results over seeding needs to be done in early spring, later summer or early autumn and preferably after de-thatching, rolling and aeration as the warm weather and well ventilated soil encourages better seed germination. Another point to remember when over seeding is there must be growing time left before winter to give the seeds the best chance of surviving the cold weather.

Power Edging Services

Power edging is a service often overlooked by most property owners. If you have a established lawn and haven’t edged your property in a while, now is the perfect time to do so. Power edging is the mechanical removal of over grown sod on concrete areas by a metal blade. The process begins by locating the edge of your sidewalk or drive. Once you have located the edge of the concrete area, you can determine how much overgrowth that you have on your concrete areas.

Bed Mulching

If your flower beds are looking a little dreary or overrun with weeds, it may be time to consider weeding your gardens, adding new plants, adding some colourful mulch, decorative rocks or other bedding material to them. Applying mulch to your garden beds holds many valuable benefits such as curbing the germination of weeds and unsightly growth, and mulch aids in soils moisture thus protecting your plants from drying out too quickly.

Maple Leaf mulching services will add new life to your garden, and create instant curb appeal at an affordable price.

man applying fertilizer to lawn using yellow spreader cart

Fertilizer Application

The million dollar question for many people is “when to fertilize?” To answer this question, you should consider these four factors: climate, grass type, the fertilizer being used, and how you want your lawn to look. For those of us who want our lawn looking its best, then it’s a good idea to fertilize your lawn 3-5 times a year. As a rule of thumb, it is best to apply fertilizers to your lawn in early spring while it is actively growing. As a rule of thumb, it is best to apply fertilizers when your lawn in early spring and once it is actively growing.

Cool season grasses tend to have two flourishing (or growing) periods. The first is after the lawn’s return from winter dormancy. (Spring) The second is during the early fall, when temperatures moderate and droughts and heat waves typically are gone (after August). For Cool-Season lawns in the north, it is usually best to concentrate a larger amount of nitrogen to be applied during the early spring and late fall growing period and a lesser amount in the heat of summer (unless irrigated).

Maple Leaf has one of the most value packed seasonal fertilizer application packages on the market.

Pricing varies by lot size, call us for a free estimate.

red maple leaf lawn maintenance truck with snow plow slider backed into residential driveway

Snow & Ice Management

Put the shovel away! We have a variety of different sized equipment in order to maintain any sized facility to ensure the best snow and ice management services in Kitchener-Waterloo.

Maple Leaf is available 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Our goal is to provide the best service at the best price to provide our clients with peace of mind and worry free service. Our winters are changing, and we are committed to making continuous improvements and capital investments to best service your property year after year to adapt to our changing climate conditions.

Sod Installation

In some cases when a lawn has been deemed beyond repair due to insect, disease, drough damage or poor maintenance practice it may be required to replace the lawn with new sod. Let Maple Leaf walk you through the steps to your long awaited new lawn.

Lawn Care And Maintenance

Maple Leaf provides full service lawn care and maintenance programs for owners looking to relax all summer long. If you require services for you summer getaway, then give Maple Leaf a call and we will gladly provide you a free consultation.

Lawn Care Analysis

Before Maple Leaf can provide your lawn with the proper care and treatment, we need to evaluate it first. We examine each aspect of your lawn in order to create a plan that makes it greener and more weed-free as quickly as possible. The Lawn Analysis is the first step in the process.

Gutter/Eaves trough Cleaning

Clogged eavestroughs from leaves or other debris , can lead to water damage to your home as a result of overflowing water leaking through your roof, or directly into your foundation and basement. Protect your home by having your eaves trough cleaned thoroughly at least twice per year.

Fall/Spring Property Clean Up

Spring and Fall cleanups are an important part of a consistently healthy and lush lawn and garden regimen. Make sure that your lawn and gardens are properly prepared for their dormant season with our Fall Clean up.

Fall Cleanup includes:

  • Garden bed cleanup/mulching
  • Leaf blowing and raking
  • Removing annuals and pruning shrubs and perennials where needed
  • Fall lawn fertilizer application

Call us to schedule a full Fall cleanup to ensure your lawn and gardens have the growth promoting care it needs to stay healthy year after year.

large lawn of property in Kitchener on Edgehill Drive

Want a Quote or Expert Advice?

If you need a quote on your property maintenance project, feel free to call or email us and we’d be glad to help.



Fast, Friendly and Free Estimates
519-721-8214 | [email protected]
